When people consult this section they are usually just looking for the trading name of the company responsible for our products. However we have a broader vision. Not long ago we read the following story which we feel fits our vision of the company perfectly. We are pleased to share this vision with you. A Florentine merchant once asked a craftsman to make a replica of an ancient statue, the work of a famous artist. The craftsman was in need of money and accepted the commission.
The merchant delivered the reproduction to his client, who paid the price agreed upon. He immediately contacted the merchant again as he wanted to meet the artist. The merchant laughed out loud and said that the sculptor was not an artist but a poor and simple craftsman. The purchaser insisted and managed to set up an interview with the craftsman. As soon as he saw him he told him how much he admired his great talent.
The days of making copies were over. From then on he would start a new career, working for him as an artist, creating his own work for the Vatican. This artist was none other than Michelangelo, whose talent and originality were so overwhelming that he was incapable of just copying. In fact he never copied. He always went one step further.
“The task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen, but to think what no one has yet thought about that which everybody sees”. |